
Spiritual Direction

As human beings, we want to draw closer to God; however, sometimes we need guidance to find the way.

Spiritual Direction is an ancient discipline that is essentially a relationship between two persons, a seeker and a teacher or guide, which aims to help the seeker grow in awareness of God's grace in everyday life, both in ordinary events and in specific difficulties. The spiritual director listens, helps the seeker learn to recognize God's "still small voice," and encourages the expression of growing intimacy with God in creative and life-affirming ways.

The scallop shell is a symbol of the pilgrim, anyone who seeks to deepen his or her relationship with God. In ancient times the shell set apart the traveler whose destination was a holy place. It marked the person to others as one whose life could be characterized by purposeful journeying.

This ministry is offered on a sliding scale and scholarships are available.

If you are interested in Spiritual Direction, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 610-525-0766. Day and evening hours are offered and all conversations are confidential.