
photo showing part of a bible.

Each week one of our pastors or staff members writes a column observing what is going on in our congregation, the Church and the world, and offering reflections on the Christian life and faith. Through this series of columns, we hope to connect your and our story to the enduring story of Christ; to offer pastoral reflections on our ongoing congregational life and mission; to report on news of the Presbyterian Church and Church universal; and to invite further reflection and deeper discipleship. We welcome your comments and suggestions. In other words, our words here are an invitation to continue the conversation.

The Slow Work of God

There are some days I wake up, drink my morning coffee, and I am rip-raring-ready for the day — ready to take on the world!

Renovations Underway

About three years into serving at my previous congregation in Indiana, the church started a major renovation. Its goals were similar to the goals we have for our renovations at BMPC:

  • Better accessibility for all members of the church.
  • Better gathering and fellowship spaces so the WHOLE church could be together.
  • Improved classrooms and meeting rooms for children and adults.
  • New entrances that truly communicated a warm welcome to the larger community.

The Rev. Crawford Brubaker

The Rev. Crawford Brubaker has long been a “PK,” a pastor’s kid. The son of former BMPC associate pastor, the Rev. Pattie Kitchen, he first came to our church as a 10 year old in 1993. Along with his younger siblings, Ben and Elizabeth, he spent the next 12 years immersed in the busy life of our congregation.

M. Courtenay Willcox

M. Courtenay Willcox lives out her life's priorities of family, faith and environmental concerns in her activities and involvements. A recent graduate of United Lutheran Seminary in Philadelphia, she received a Master of Divinity degree in May. As a cradle Presbyterian, Courtenay is a former Moderator of the Presbytery of Philadelphia and served on the Presbytery’s Commission on Ministry. She has preached in more than 30 local congregations as a Commisioned Ruling Elder in this Presbytery.

The Rev. Dr. Graham Robinson

Even though the Rev. Dr. Graham Robinson lived in Philadelphia for just over a decade, the grace of God embodied by BMPC has reverberated through his life. When studying at Bucknell University, a BMPC pastor came to campus and told him what his father said before he left for college. They both stated, “You would be a great minister.”

The Rev. Dr. Paul G. Watermulder

The Rev. Dr. Paul G. Watermulder is a child of this church, having joined in 1962 when the family, including his mother, Ruth, brother, Peter, and sister, Martha, moved from Illinois into the manse and his father, David, became senior pastor at BMPC. This congregation is at the heart of his spiritual formation. So many church leaders were great examples; the stained glass brought awe and wonder before God; youth groups brought camaraderie and leadership; church life taught a zeal for mission especially among the poor; through it all came an abiding affection for Jesus Christ and high respect for His Church. This is “home” in many ways.

Let Us Love

I doubt there is any way for me to adequately express my delight at becoming the new Associate Pastor for Youth and Their Families here at Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church! Since my first day in July, I have felt welcomed and affirmed in my call to serve Jesus here, and I am so thankful to become a part of the BMPC family. Walking alongside young people as they grow is a profound privilege, one that I do not take for granted.