


Most services of worship at BMPC include the preaching of a sermon, usually by one of the pastors of the church. A sermon is not a moral or spiritual essay, nor is it precisely the opinion of the preacher. Rather, it is the preacher’s attempt, guided by grace and the Holy Spirit, to lift up a passage of Scripture, and illuminate it with meaning; giving it the power to shape our own faith journey and call us into deeper discipleship.

As such, a sermon is a speech event, spoken and heard in one particular time and place, rather than a form of written literature, intended to be read in many times and places. The grammar and rhetoric of the spoken word are different than that of the written word. Nevertheless, most preachers prepare notes or a manuscript from which they preach. What follows are recorded and written versions of sermons preached at BMPC.As you read, remember that though the Holy Spirit may work in any context, reading or even listening alone is not the same thing as hearing as a part of the gathered community.

The best way to hear a sermon is to join us for worship!