
Welcoming 2022

At midnight tomorrow night, 2021 comes to a close.  

It is inadequate to say that 2021 was another challenging year. Many anticipated that 2021 would include a return to “normal,” to the removal – or at least reduction – of “pandemic” from our vocabularies.

Instead, the pandemic surged in the form of two deadly variants and thousands more deaths. We also experienced the continued growth of political divisiveness, the struggles that ensued from supply chain disruptions, and the fall of Afghanistan’s government to the Taliban, to name a few of 2021’s major events. It was a painful year at home and across the world. 

Of course, these trying moments do not tell the full story of 2021. Throughout the year people continued to volunteer to care for at-risk neighbors and friends. We adjusted to a hybrid lifestyle, allowing more people to participate in activities and community events, including here at BMPC. We enjoyed the Summer Olympics and the return of other sporting events that were absent in 2020. It was a year full of returning to familiar activities and events, but often in a different fashion.

As we end this year and look ahead to 2022, I encourage you to take a few moments to utilize the Prayer Stations for the New Year, designed by the Caring Ministries team. These prayer stations were put together to specifically guide you through processing the past year and setting a clear intention for the year to come. You can find them online.

There are seven stations: 

• Pause/Center/Enter

• Lament

• Remember

• Silence

• Light

• Gratitude

• Intention

Follow these seven stations at your own pace. In so doing, I pray you take time to commune with God, to reflect on where God has led you these past 365 days and where God is guiding you in the days ahead. Even amidst the greatest seasons of uncertainty and change, we can take comfort in knowing that God is always with us, meeting us on the road of life right where we are.  

On behalf of the entire Caring Ministries Team (Carol Cherry, Parish Nurse; Renee Malnak, Social Worker; and Kiki McKendrick, Director at the Middleton Counseling Center), I wish you a happy and healthy 2022, filled with God’s love and grace.  

To journey through the prayer stations please click here