
Rally Day Begins with Worship Together!

This Sunday will be a day of great celebration as we kick off a new program year and enjoy our annual Rally Day picnic on the front lawn following the 10:00 a.m. service.

The nursery is available for children from infants through 5-year-olds, and families with older children and youth are invited to come for worship. After summertime comings and goings, it will be a joy to be together in greater numbers, to share a meal and fellowship, and to learn about many programmatic offerings and service opportunities planned for fall. Children and youth will have opportunity to greet each other and meet their church school teachers during the picnic which will include all kinds of fun activities as well as good food.

I am beginning a series of sermons on worship from The Call to Worship this Sunday to Benediction on November 2. Everything we do in worship is layered with meaning, born of centuries of Christian tradition, formed by our Reformed theology, forged by ecumenical dialogue, and given shape by the unique history of Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church. My hope is that this focus on what we do and why we do it, a bit of remembered church history, some interesting scripture readings, and the movement of the Holy Spirit will nurture us as the worshipping people of God who gather at Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church in old and familiar, as well as new and refreshing, ways.

Worship is derived from worth-ship, the basic human stance of giving God what God is worth, and in so doing we become the children of God we are meant to be. See you Sunday as we begin a new program year in worship together!