
Meaningful Mission

What makes for a life-changing experience? Perhaps it includes going somewhere you’ve never been or doing something you never dreamed you could do. While I don’t know all the ingredients of life-changing experiences, what I do know is that mission trips often offer this kind of opportunity.

I pray that this will be the case for our youth and adults participating in the upcoming high school mission trip to the Dominican Republic. On July 4 we depart for San Pedro De Macoris for what we hope will be an unforgettable mission experience. Our week will be spent working on a project to expand the existing building of the church which is hosting us. The church is growing and needs more space to accommodate those who attend worship services.

In addition to a construction project, we will be doing sports ministry with the local children and youth. Baseball is very popular in the DR, and we will join our new friends in some fellowship on the field as well as donate baseball equipment to the community. Finally, we will be participating in a food delivery outreach program. Our host, Pastor Pedro, has identified 25 families in the neighborhood of the church who are going through particularly challenging times, many who are dealing with significant poverty. We will be delivering a week’s worth of groceries to these families and praying with them in their homes.

I expect God will be working among us as we serve the people of the Dominican Republic this week. We welcome your prayers for a safe and successful trip. I hope that this summer brings opportunities for each of us to serve those around us, “just as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” (Matthew 20:28)

Share our experience through postings and photographs next week on our trip blog!