
Getting Away with God

Jesus said to them, “Come away to a deserted place all by yourselves and rest a while.” -Mark 6:31

One of the great things about summer is that at some point it usually affords us a time to get away from the usual rhythm of life. Assuming we didn’t have travel complications or family drama, we often return feeling refreshed and renewed from having spent time away. We may find that we have more energy in our work and a more hopeful view of life after a time of rest and retreat.

In our spiritual lives, we also benefit from time away. In fact, in the scriptures, Jesus invites his disciples to “come away to a deserted place” and experience a time of refreshment. When we intentionally spend time away, out of our own element, God fills up our cups.

Each year, BMPC’s youth ministry provides time to get away with Jesus at our annual retreat, Camp Kirkwood. Both young people and adults discover the spiritual refreshment that only Christ offers. As we build friendships, experience nature, and worship, the Lord draws us closer to the image of God in which we were created.

Whether you’ve attended a church camp before or not, we can all set spiritual appointments with ourselves to get away with God. Maybe it’s finding a park on your lunch break where you can pray; waking up to read the Bible with your morning cup of coffee; or having a meaningful conversation with a brother or sister in Christ. Wherever we find ourselves in life, we can create sacred moments.

This week, when you are able, I welcome you to pray for all the youth and adults who will be attending Camp Kirkwood. Thank you for your support of this important annual ministry. May God help each of us to find a place where we can “rest a while” with Christ.