
Anything is Possible if You Belize

Why go on a mission trip? This is a great question and one that I ask every year as I begin to pack my bag in preparation for another mission trip. I seem to always come to the same reason why. Because Jesus said, “Go!” Jesus’ words from scripture invite us to leave the comfort of what we know and venture into the unknown, “to make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19).  

This Saturday morning, 30 youth and adults from BMPC will depart for our High School Mission Trip to Belize. We have been preparing for this trip for many months now and we are all excited to share Christ’s love together in Belize. Our main project will be helping to construct a church building for a congregation in Corozal, Belize, who is bursting at the seams with young people. The new building will provide space for activities, programs, and classes for youth and children. Our work will begin from the ground up and include digging and pouring the foundation, as well as laying the floor.

We will also participate in a food delivery program, brining a week’s worth of groceries to 15 families in the local area. These families include single parent households and families struggling to put food on the table. Also, during the afternoons (rain or shine!), we plan to offer a sports ministry for the youth in the area. This will be a wonderful way to have fun and build relationships. Our coming together will continue as we join in worship throughout the week. Even though we may speak different languages and come from different cultures, we will find unity in worship. 

It is our honor to represent BMPC on this international mission trip as well as being ambassadors for Christ. We are grateful for your support and welcome your prayers for a safe and impactful trip. You can follow our journey on our online trip journal which will be posted here