
Sunday, September 17, 2023

Joy in the Worst of Circumstances 

The Joy of Being Christ’s Church, Second in Series 


8 a.m. bulletin    10 a.m. bulletin     Transcript


Prelude: Song of Peace
Music: Jean Langalis, 1942. Music: ©1945 S. Bornemann, Paris, France. All rights reserved.

Hymn: How Clear is Our Vocation, Lord
Text: Fred Pratt Green, 1981. Music: C. Hubert H. Parry, 1888. Text: ©1982 Hope Publishing Company. Reprinted and streamed with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-716211. All rights reserved.

Response: Lord, Cleanse the Depths
Text: Rosamond E. Herklots, 1969, 1983, alt. Music: Supplement to Kentucky Harmony, 1820; harm. Margaret W. Mealy, 1985. Text: ©1969, 1983 Rosamond E. Herklots (admin. Oxford University Press). Music Harm: ©1985 GIA Publications, Inc. Reprinted and streamed with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-716211. All rights reserved.

Hymn: Like the Murmur of the Dove's Song
Text: Carl P. Daw, Jr., 1982, alt. Music: Peter Cutts, 1969. Text: ©1982 Hope Publishing Company. Music: ©1969 Hope Publishing Company. Reprinted and streamed with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-716211. All rights reserved.

Offertory Anthem: Let the People Praise Thee, O God
Text: Psalm 67. Music: William Mathias, 1981. Music: ©1981 Oxford University Press. Reprinted and streamed with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-716211. All rights reserved.