
Wise Waiting


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Prelude: Petite Suite Liturgique
Music: Jan Mannee, 1998. Music: ©2005 Musik Fabrik. All rights reserved.

Response: Lord, Cleanse the Depths
Text: Rosamond E. Herklots, 1969, 1983, alt.
Music: Supplement to Kentucky Harmony, 1820; harm. Margaret W. Mealy, 1985.
Text: ©1969, 1983 Rosamond E. Herklots (admin. Oxford University Press). Music Harm: ©1985 GIA Publications, Inc.
Reprinted and streamed with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-716211. All rights reserved.

Offertory Anthem: O How Amiable
Text: Psalms 84 and 90. Music: Ralph Vaughan Willaims, 1934.
Music: ©1940 Oxford University Press, London. All rights reserved.