
Trusting God Through Pain

Why do bad things happen to good people? This was a question we talked about a lot during Confirmation this past year. Beyond theology, this is a question that every person has asked at some point in their lives. 

As human beings, we all share the fact that pain is a reality of life. One of the most difficult things we face as Christians is trusting God through our pain. But when we do trust God in these moments, it brings hope to our lives even in the most difficult of circumstances. 

This Sunday, you’ll hear the story of a youth in our congregation who has faced incredible pain over the last two months. Following a terrible ski accident, she has experienced a coma and multiple surgeries. Miraculously, she has fought through the pain and has had an amazing recovery. Her inspirational story will give you a new perspective and hope for when you face pain. 

Whatever pain and suffering we face in life, Jesus has gone before us. Our comfort remains in the resurrected Christ, who knows our struggles. We can face today trusting in the One who brings us through our trials, with hope.