
Thank You Teachers

At every baptism the congregation answers the same question: Do we as members of the church of Jesus Christ promise to guide and nurture these children by word and deed, with love and prayer, encouraging them to know and to follow Christ and to be faithful members of Christ’s church? Do we?" The answer is always a resounding, “We do.” But what does this promise look like in the day-to-day life of this congregation?

It looks like:

·       Sitting in a small group with our high school students as they wrestle with questions about justice.
·       Creating and decorating nametags so a special welcome is extended to each middle schooler.
·       Stopping the driveway traffic while children walk from the Sanctuary to the Chapel on Sunday mornings. 
·       The glue and glitter that remains on your clothes after an art project has been completed. 
·       The 500th game of HORSE, shooting basketballs in the gym.
·       Holding the silence while children find words to share their prayer requests.
·       Explaining one more time where to find the Gospel of Matthew.
·       And celebrating when they finally respond in a loud voice, “And also with you!” 

These promises are lived out in the dedication, devotion, and care that our Sunday morning volunteers demonstrate. More than 75 individuals volunteer their time to make Children and Youth Ministry possible. Our volunteers range in age from youth volunteers in the Education Building to senior members of the congregation. 

While many of our volunteers commit to weekly or monthly teaching roles, others are willing to jump in at the last minute or help with a special project. All our volunteers model what faithful Christian life can be. They create space for community and the Spirit to grow, where questions and struggles are welcomed, and where each child is received as a beloved member of God’s household. With love, they guide and nurture in both word and deed.

We are thankful for the gifts that our teachers share with our youngest church members every week. As pastors we see each volunteer faithfully living out their vocational call as teachers and their baptismal promises as members of this congregation. As Paul writes in Romans 12:6-7, “We all have different gifts according to the grace given to us… if it is teaching, then teach.”

God has poured out incredible gifts on our teachers, gifts they share with our students. With their love, our students grow in learning what it means to follow Jesus. 

Thank you volunteers for all that you do!