
Thank You

I am continually filled with gratitude during this season of transition. In fact, a spirit of thankfulness has filled each of the past six years in my ministry at BMPC. The first sermon I ever preached in the Sanctuary on Thanksgiving weekend was on the theme of cultivating an attitude of gratitude. Now, as I am preaching my last sermon in Bryn Mawr, I feel the same sense of gratefulness.

Much of what I’ve experienced as a pastor serving in this first call is hard to put into words, but this Sunday I hope to give voice to the ways that the congregation has supported and lifted me up. The lectionary text I’ll be preaching on this week is the ascension of Jesus. The book of Acts recounts Jesus’ final gathering with his followers on earth and documents his last words to them.

While I’m not ascending in the spiritual sense, I feel ready for this upcoming transition to become head of staff at First Presbyterian in Wheaton, IL, because the people of BMPC have helped shape and prepare me for continued service to God in the Presbyterian Church.

Wherever the unique expression of the local church is found, together we are all members of the church universal. As followers of Jesus, when we come together, he is lifted up. I thank God for each of you, the members and friends of Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church.