
Souper Bowl of Caring

Souper Bowl of Caring

Lord, even as we enjoy the Super Bowl football game, help us be mindful of those who are without a bowl of soup to eat. This prayer by a youth pastor inspired a youth-led movement to help hungry and hurting people around the world.

The prayer gave birth to an idea. Why not use Super Bowl weekend, a time when people come together for football and fun, to also unify the nation for a higher good: collecting dollars and canned food for the needy?

That was 1990. Since then, the “Souper Bowl of Caring” food collection program has generated more than $90 million for soup kitchens, food banks and other charities in communities across the country. In addition, hundreds of thousands of youth have experienced for themselves the joy and satisfaction of giving and serving, inspiring people of all ages to follow their generous example.

Through our Hunger Committee, BMPC will participate in the “Souper Bowl of Caring” food collection THIS Sunday, February 2. Bring some canned goods to worship and a couple of dollar$ as well...  Our goal is at least one can and one dollar for every person in worship this Sunday.

To remind us that feeding the hungry is an act of WORSHIP, we will present our offering of food as we do our financial offering, by bringing our canned goods into the Sanctuary and displaying on the chancel steps. The children will bring canned goods up for the Children’s Moment, and Dr. Norfleet will speak with the children about hunger in our city.

May our enacted prayer be, Lord, even as we enjoy the Super Bowl football game, help us be mindful of those who are without a bowl of soup to eat. Amen.