
So Much to Share

It’s been a particularly busy time at our church. Over the past week, the whirlwind included a memorial service for the Rev. Dr. David Watermulder, Pastor Emeritus; a Progressive Worship Walk into the city; the ordination of our new church officers; three baptisms; a brunch to honor 50+ year members; a Community Forum about racism; and a presentation by Doug Tallamy about sustaining wildlife with native plants. These were all memorable experiences for those involved, and I was reminded – once again – how fortunate we are to be part of this church. How lucky we are to share the company of such caring, inspiring people. How blessed we are to be part of a church family that offers so many wonderful opportunities to enrich our lives in faith.

As a member of our staff, I am also reminded of the many ways our church is a blessing as I make the final edits to our 2014 Annual Report and coordinate a new member class to be received on Sunday. The group includes four young families bringing new life to us through their children. Coincidentally, three people married to Presbyterian ministers are joining. Most in the group visited us because they moved (or returned to) this area. Two have been members here before, and one has a parent who is a member.

These ten new members are joining for many different reasons, but they all chose this church because they want to be part of the community that is BMPC. They are drawn by our sermons, music, and prayers that bring them closer to God. They hope to meet friendly people, enjoy good fellowship, and find enrichment in our midst. The families expect us to share in the Christian nurture of their children. They all want to grow in faith and find support if they need it as they commit to supporting us.

We rejoice in all that new members bring to this community of faith. As they join, they aren’t just expressing their faith in God… they're expressing their faith in us. In gratitude, let’s recommit to our own journeys in discipleship through this church. Let’s share our appreciation for the life and work of our congregation... with an outreached hand of friendship, by inviting someone new, by introducing ourselves to the stranger next to us. As our doors open wide to a new, warmer season, let’s embody the spirit of Christian hospitality as we welcome all who would follow Christ. Let’s share the “good news” about the life and ministries of BMPC so more newcomers will join us as we journey in faith.