
Summer Camp FAQs

The sunlight is filtering through oak leaves and a breeze is rustling through the branches. Although it is quiet time, the occasional squirrel, local birds, and the sound of pen on paper means it’s not silent. I am sitting with a small group of students enjoying the peace of the “Old Chapel” at Camp Johnsonburg. It’s hard to believe that this time tomorrow we will be packing up and heading back to Bryn Mawr. I could tell you about camp, but our students will do a better job. 

Camp is a formative experience in the life of our students, and our seniors shared their memories of why camp has been important to them. 

“One night it was raining really hard and we had to get from one building to the next. Instead of running through the rain, we all worked together lifting up a pop-up tent and carrying it to the next site. Everyone stayed relatively dry.” - Katie

“My first year I wasn’t sure what to expect or if I even wanted to go. However, by the end of the week I had made some of the closest friends, almost peed my pants from laughing so hard, and learned so much more about my faith. I never wanted to leave.” - Finley

“I have an image in my mind of the Gaga pit - where we play this epic camp game - here, age doesn’t matter. What does matter is the fact that everyone is there. Standing around, participating, cheering each other on. That’s what makes camp special.” - Kathryn  

Camp changes lives, but in order to be ready for camp, here’s some advice so you can prepare for next year. Some Camp FAQs:

What should I bring to camp? 

  1. A good spirit 
  2. Sunglasses
  3. Bible 
  4. Sleeping bag
  5. Bug spray
  6. Willingness to try new things
  7. Bring a funny outfit for the dance party
  8. Something to tie dye
  9. Febreze

What should I leave behind? 

  1. Cellphone/technology
  2. Hate
  3. Worries
  4. Stress 
  5. Judgment

What should I try? 

  1. New things
  2. The food
  3. The silly games 
  4. High Ropes
  5. Meeting new people
  6. Listening
  7. Being open and vulnerable 
  8. The opposite of what you normally do

What advice would you give a new camper? 

  1. Better to go ALL IN than hold back: Everyone feels a little awkward. Have fun. Everyone at camp is in this together. 
  2. Sing the songs, ALL the songs! 
  3. Every year is different — be ready for surprises.
  4. Get to know everyone — all ages, in different small groups, in different cabins. 

Last but not least: Why should you go to Camp?

  1. The people you meet 
  2. Taking a break and reconnecting 
  3. Finding Jesus
  4. It is amazing and a lot of fun! 

Thank you for keeping us in your prayers!