
2014 Confirmation

It's hard to remember this past September, but it was then that our 8th grade class began Confirmation. Over the past year, these youth have continued on their faith journeys. 

Along the way, they've been strengthened by the help of their teachers, mentors and families. They have spent Sundays together and a few Saturdays serving with our Upward Basketball Ministry. From interactive lessons to creating a final project, they have been learning how they fit into the history and ministry of the Presbyterian church and the church universal. 

Confirmation is about becoming part of a faith, and faith becoming more a part of you. It's about becoming a fully participating member of the church. During the 10am worship service this Sunday our Confirmands will answer questions in front of the congregation about what they believe, how they will treat others and how they think the church should be speaking to the world. 

As a congregation we welcome these youth with open arms and encourage them into all ministries of the church. Whether we were confirmed as teenager or joined the church as an adult, we are all on a journey of faith as followers of Christ.